One of the most important realizations from my work of integrating Astrology and Shamanism into my healing work is that, despite the fact that many of us have at one time or another felt abandoned, excluded, and orphaned in the world, the deepest truth is we all belong and are worthy of love just by existing, because we are children of the Earth and Sky, who love us unconditionally. If you aren't convinced, let me take you through this journey in my new article on The Evolving Astrologer, the quarterly magazine of the Organization for Professional Astrology, which you can find here on page 44.
We continue moving through the understanding of trauma and healing. As I contemplate the unfolding conflicts in the world, I am reminded that war is bad for children and other living beings. War is the opposite of healing. War is the many-headed monster that separates children from their parents, emotionally and physically injures everyone, devastates food production, pollutes water, destroys infrastructure, creates wounds that take lifetimes to heal. That's what we say no to war and the greed that fuels it.
Consider instead what a human being needs to thrive and to heal.
Our astrological journey continues with the understanding that we are immortal souls who incarnate on Earth again and again, and we come here to learn and to become more whole. Come with me on a tour of the planets as our internal psychic organs. We all have them. They fulfill the same functions in each of us, but of course they are colored by their position in our birth charts, by sign, house and aspect to each other. More about that later. For now, let´s begin with Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus.
We all know how racism hurts people of color, but do we ever stop to think of how it hurts white people? In this journey of Liberation, we also look at how sexism hurts men, how homophobia and transphobia hurt straight people, and how class oppression hurts the rich. As you see, it benefits everyone to dismantle all the oppressions, which only serve to keep us divided and make us easier to manipulate and control.
Come with me on a journey into Spiritual Geography, as we explore what all Shamanic cosmologies have in common, and let us recover our profound sense of belonging.
If you're signed up for my newsletter, you'll get my blog with the month's Gems of Wisdom, but if you'd like to see them in real time, you can follow me on social media: FB @magalimoralesspiritualcounseling, IG @magalispiritualcounseling
I am looking forward to healing the world with you!
Congrats on getting that deeply inspiring article published in the Evolving Astrologer, Magali. Thanks for sharing your personal trauma and your path to healing. I love the photo of you, it's so you in your fullest self-expresssion! And the beautiful visualizations in this post are really cool. I could totally see them turned into action cards in an evolutionary board game, where you draw Astrology, Liberation, or Shamanisn advice depending on what field you land. Abrazos! ~ Sven