Welcome to my Gems of Wisdom. This month I began offering what I've learned from 20 years of working at the intersection of Healing Trauma, Liberation/Anti-Oppression, Astrology and Shamanism.
At first sight these may seem very disparate things, but as I've prepared these weekly offerings, I see how much they have in common.
All forms of oppression--sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia, class, religion, disability and others--are violence. And in a world structured by violence, the result is trauma. This is why we all must walk a journey of healing.
The connection with Astrology and Shamanism may be harder to see, but bear with me. Every human problem, from the climate crisis to the wars, to greed and poverty, can be summarized in one word: separation.
Feeling separate from nature is what has allowed us to go on this frenzy of destruction that is threatening life on Earth. Feeling separate from each other--a dynamic reinforced daily by all forms of oppression--is what allows greed and poverty to happen side by side. We forget that the Earth is a finite system that cannot be exploited infinitely. The Earth is our only home, and when we destroy her ecosystems and destabilize her climate patterns, we only harm ourselves.
Astrology and Shamanism are powerful contradictions to our artificial sense of separation. We are all indigenous to the Earth, even if in the colonial shuffle our people have moved around. We all have ancestors who thought every being was ensouled, including the animals, plants, rivers, mountains and planets. And every Shamanic/Animistic society had an astrology.
I will say more about this in my upcoming article for The Evolving Astrologer magazine, which I will be sure to share in my mailing list, but for now suffice it to say that Astrology and Shamanism guide us back from our culture of separation and disenchantment, to seeing the world as ensouled, and us as having a sense of belonging here.
If we heal ourselves, and the separation between us, and reclaim our sense of belonging as children of Mother Earth and Father Sky, the world is ensouled again and we begin the work of world repair.
So, from now on:
Friday Venus Day is Astrology Day
Monday is Moon Day is Healing Day
Tuesday Mars Day is Shamanism Day
Thursday Jupiter Day is Liberation Day
If you're signed up for my newsletter, you'll get my blog with the month's Gems of Wisdom, but if you'd like to see them in real time, you can follow me on social media: FB @magalimoralesspiritualcounseling, IG @magalispiritualcounseling
I am looking forward to healing the world with you!